2021-22 Hockey Information Meeting
The St. Mary’s Ice Hockey informational meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28nd at 7pm outside in the Msgr. Milewski football stadium bleachers. (located outside behind the Ice Arena)
Please go to our registration site to get added to our Teamsnap Site if you have not done so.
The following topics will be discussed:
- Summer Evaluation Skate Dates stmaryshockey.com
- Summer League- Varsity and Junior Varsity glshl.com
- Summer High Endurance conditioning camp highendurancehockey.com
- Summer Tournaments stmaryshockey.com
- Winter timeline schedule stmaryshockey.com
- Fall Hockey
- Varsity mihl.org
- Varsity White and Red www.mjvhl.com
- MDHL /Michigan Top 80 Select Opportunities
- Kurt Kormos
- Question and Answers
Should you have any questions, or concerns please call or email me at any time. bklanow@stmarysprep.com or 248-361-8720.